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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [dʒi] 英式发音: [dʒiː]

abbr.(=grid);英语字母表的第七个字母;G 字形物;【乐】G 调



abbr.1.(=grid)2.英语字母表的第七个字母3.G 字形物4.【乐】G 调,G 音5.【物】重力加速度 (acceleration of gravity) 的符号6.〈美〉学业成绩优良 (good) 的符号7.【心】普通[一般]智力 (general intelligence) 的符号8.第七9.〈美俚〉一千美元10.〈美〉(电影)G级的,男女老少均可观看的11.【电】导电性 (conductance) 的符号12.(=generator)13.(=German)14.(=Germany)15.(=giga)十亿16.(=Gossypium)棉属17.(=Gulf)18.【军】(=gun)1.(=grid)2.英语字母表的第七个字母3.G 字形物4.【乐】G 调,G 音5.【物】重力加速度 (acceleration of gravity) 的符号6.〈美〉学业成绩优良 (good) 的符号7.【心】普通[一般]智力 (general intelligence) 的符号8.第七9.〈美俚〉一千美元10.〈美〉(电影)G级的,男女老少均可观看的11.【电】导电性 (conductance) 的符号12.(=generator)13.(=German)14.(=Germany)15.(=giga)十亿16.(=Gossypium)棉属17.(=Gulf)18.【军】(=gun)

n.1.the seventh letter of the English alphabet. G is a consonant.2.the fifth note in the musical scale of C major3.gravity: a measurement of the force of gravity4.grand: one thousand dollars1.the seventh letter of the English alphabet. G is a consonant.2.the fifth note in the musical scale of C major3.gravity: a measurement of the force of gravity4.grand: one thousand dollars


1.最大加速度 大脚(_62); pn 160015-1_ 钢索最大加速度 (g's) 型号 Opt 5: -050 弹簧 Opt 6: -060 弹簧 Opt 7: -070 弹簧 Opt 8: -080 弹簧 Y...

2.额定加速度额定加速度 (g's)1 最大行程 (m) 0.75 1 1.5 1.5 2.4 双向重复精度[mm] 0.025 最大速度滚珠丝杠 [m/s]

3.加速度极限 乘员撞击加速度极限(G's)


1.P&G's stock "kind of looks like the ugly duckling compared with the rest of the market, " he said.EdwardJones分析师JackRusso称,与其他股票相比,宝洁就像一只丑小鸭。

2.David McCracken of P&G's US business said the offers were the first of their type by the company.宝洁美国业务部的戴维•麦克莱肯(DavidMcCracken)表示,这是公司首次推出这种优惠活动。

3.This gives the seat a bit of lateral support and prevents the rider from falling out during high G's.这使座椅支撑位外侧,防止了在车手掉下高G的。

4.As you know, business unit sales like this are crucial to A. I. G. 's effort to repay the American taxpayer.就像你所知道的,出售这样的业务部门对AIG回报美国纳税人是至关重要的。

5.s Advisory question of the United States and its G's reply to communicate their views to form a unified corporation.美国公司咨询问题与其G公司沟通形成统一意见答复总公司。

6.P&G's main goal for the site is to have it act as its e-commerce innovation living learning lab, the company says.宝洁公司的网站的主要目的是把它作为其电子商务创新实验室学习生活行为,该公司说。

7.They are now angry about having been misled by A. I. G. 's promises and are not inclined to return the money as a favor to you.他们因为被AIG的承诺误导而气愤,也并不倾向于退还这些钱来为你做好人。

8.The fascination is brought home by American saxophone player Kennedy G. Kennedy G's solo presenting jasmine in the form of popular music.这样的魅力是由美国萨克斯管表演者肯尼迪·G带回家的。肯尼迪·G用独奏呈现出以茉莉花为主要形式的流行音乐。

9.this eighty G's a week to say the same things TWEECE!为了说同样的东西两次,每周有八十个

10.When a business is sold, the differences between conduit entities (e. g. , S corporations) and C corporations become much more pronounced.企业被出售时,导管实体(如S类公司)和C类公司之间的差别明显扩大。
